
Entity Definition

Logical Name : Tender
Physical Name : AS_TND

Tender includes all the forms of payment that are accepted by the RETAIL STORE in settling sales and other transactions. It defines the retailer's policy for handling each different tender type it accepts.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
TenderTypeCode (PK) A code which uniquely identifies the type of tender, ie cash, check, credit card, etc. Sample Values: CASH - currency CREDIT - credit card DEBIT - debit card CUST_ACCT - customer credit account with retailer EBT - electronic benefits transfer CHEQUE - personal or business cheque STORED_VALUE - gift cert. or gift card COUPON - mfg coupon VOUCHER - retailer issued debit (e.g. coinstar voucher) SEND_CHECK - paid out/refund via acct pay. TRADEIN - trade in kind/trade in debit OTHER - other debit offset tender type TY_TND Code varchar(20)
TenderClassCode (FK) A code to denote a group of tenders with common characteristics, eg charge cards, certificates, etc. Sample values include: CASH - currency CREDIT - credit card DEBIT - debit card EBT - electronic benefits transfer CHEQUE - personal or business cheque STORED_VALUE - gift cert. or gift card COUPON - mfg coupon VOUCHER - retailer issued debit (e.g. coinstar voucher) OTHER - other debit offset tender type LU_CLS_TND Code varchar(20) TenderClass(CO_CLS_TND)
FinancialLedgerAccountID (FK) The reference for the FinancialLedgeraAccount ID_ACNT_LDG Identity integer FinancialLedgerAccount(CO_LE_ACNT_FN)
Description Description of the tender type. DE_TND DescriptionShort varchar(255)
SerialIdentificationNumberRequiredFlag A flag to signify that the serial number of the tender type has to be captured as part of the tender process. Examples include gift certificates, checks, travelers checks, etc. FL_NMB_SRZ_IDN_RQ Flag integer
AuthorizationRequiredFlag A flag that signifies whether authorization is required before a specific tender can be accepted. FL_AZN_RQ Flag integer
AuthorizationMethodCode A code to signify the method of authorization. For example, checks may be authorized by either a third party or by validation against the customer's driving license. LU_MTH_AZN Code2 char(2)
AuthorizationExpirationDateRequiredFlag Defines a requirement that this type of tender requires an authorization expiration date and that it must be recorded at the time of settlement. FL_DT_AZN_EP_RQ Flag integer
AuthorizationMaximumWaitAllowedSecondsCount Maximum time delay (measured in seconds) allowed to wait for external tender authorization for this TENDER type. IN_WIT_AZN_MXM_ALW Quantity DECIMAL(9,3)
CustomerIdentificationRequiredFlag A flag to signify that customer identification is required, such as driver's license. FL_IDTN_RQ_CT Flag integer
PersonalIdentificationNumberRequiredFlag A flag that requires the customer to enter a personal identification number (PIN) to validate the method of payment. PINs are normally required for debit card payments. FL_ID_PRSL_RQ Flag integer
CustomerSignatureRequiredFlag A flag that requires the customer to sign the tender( check) or resultant voucher (card) in the presence of the operator. FL_SGNTR_CT_RQ Flag integer
AccountIdentificationRequiredFlag A flag to signify that the status of the account has to be checked before this method of tender can be accepted. FL_ACNT_ID_RQ Flag integer
OnLineTenderFloorApprovalAmount The value of an individual tender above which authorization has to be sought before acceptance. This limit is normally referred to as the floor limit and may vary by merchandise and store. MO_APVL_TNDFLR_ON Money decimal(16,5)
OnLineTenderCeilingApprovalAmount The maximum amount of an individual tender type that can be authorized either in-house or by a third party. This especially applies to checks where the check authorization company sets a ceiling by retailer. MO_APVL_TNDCE_ON Money decimal(16,5)
OffLineTenderFloorApprovalAmount The value of an individual tender below which approval is not required. MO_APVL_TNDFLR_OFF Money decimal(16,5)
OffLineTenderCeilingApprovalAmount The maximum value of an individual tender that can be accepted without authorization. MO_APVL_TNDCE_OFF Money decimal(16,5)
MinimumAcceptAmount The minimum value that can be accepted for an individual tender. For example, certain retailers will not accept card payments below $5. LL_ACPT_TND Money decimal(16,5)
MaximumAcceptAmount The maximum amount that can be accepted for a specific tender type. LU_ACPT_TND Money decimal(16,5)
OverrideTriggerMaximumAmount A trigger to override the maximum amount normally accepted for a specific tender type. UL_OVRD_TRGR Money decimal(16,5)
LoanPermissibilityFlag A flag to signify whether a specific transaction can be paid for on credit. FL_PRMS_TND_LON Flag integer
ItemRestrictionsApplyFlag A flag to signify that specific groups of items cannot be purchased using certain tender types. For example, food stamps cannot be used to purchase alcohol or tobacco items. FL_RST_APLY Flag integer
LocalCurrencyAvailabilityFlag A flag to signify that change can be offered to the customer in the currency tendered. FL_AVLB_LCL_CNY Flag integer
RealtimeBalanceUpdateFlag A flag to signify that the customer's account is updated in real-time. FL_UPDT_RLTM_BLNC Flag integer
EndorsementRequiredFlag A flag to signify that an endorsement, normally the customer's signature, is required before a specific tender type can be accepted. FL_ENDSM_RQ Flag integer
OpenCashDrawerRequiredFlag A flag that signifies that the cash drawer opens if a certain specific tender type is offered by the customer. For example, cash. Other forms of tender, such as checks, can be inserted into the till through a slit in the cash drawer door without the cash drawer opening, or alternatively, into a separate security device adjacent to the register. FL_DRW_OPN_CSH_RQ Flag integer
ChangeThresholdAmount The maximum change that can be offered to a customer for a specific tender type. MO_TH_TND_CHN Money decimal(16,5)
UnitCountRequiredFlag A flag to signify that specific tender type units need to be counted and recorded by the operator prior to a pickup. FL_RQ_TND_UN_CNT Flag integer
AmountCountRequiredFlag A flag to signify that a specific tender type amount needs to be counted and recorded by the operator prior to a pickup FL_RQ_TND_AMT_CNT Flag integer
AcceptanceForPaymentOnAccountFlag A flag to signify that a certain tender type can be accepted to credit a customer's account. FL_POA_TND_ACTPN Flag integer
MagneticStripeReaderRequiredFlag A flag to signify that the tender type has to be inserted into the magnetic card reader. For example, credit and debit cards. FL_MSR_RQ Flag integer
CheckEncodingFlag A flag to denote whether a check is encoded with the bank deposit account and the reserve and transit number to facilitate automated handling by the EXTERNAL DEPOSITORY. FL_CHK_ENC Flag integer
PayOutPermissibilityFlag A boolean indicator that tells if this TENDER may be paid out from a till as part of a miscellaneous expense or other properly authorized tender disbursement. If this flag is set to NO, this TENDER may NOT be paid out of a till. FL_PY_OT_PRMS Flag integer
PaymentServiceProviderID (FK) The identifier for an electonic payment service provider. ID_PYM_SV_PVR Identity integer PaymentServiceProvider(PA_PYM_SV_PVR)
ISOCurrencyCode (FK) Currency code designated by ISO to identify national currency CD_CNY_ISO_4217 ISO_4217_CurrencyCode_char(3) char(3) ISO4217-CurrencyType(LU_CNY_ISO_4217)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
PaymentServiceProvider executes payments for Tender
FinancialLedgerAccount defines accounting disposition of Tender
ISO4217-CurrencyType defines money units for Tender
TenderClass categorizes Tender
Tender is tracked by WorkstationTenderHistory
Tender is tracked by SessionTender
Tender is recorded in TenderLineItem
Tender is tracked by StoreTenderHistory
Tender is assigned TillTenderLimitRuleAssignment
Tender is approved by TenderAccountApprovalReference
Tender delineates TillLimitExceededTransaction
Tender is transferred through TenderControlTransactionTenderLineItem
Tender is tracked through ExternalDepositoryTender
Tender is tracked by OperatorTenderHistory
Tender is destination for TenderAdjustmentTransaction
Tender is tracked by ExternalDepositoryTenderHistory(Superceded)
Tender is source for TenderAdjustmentTransaction
Tender is classified by TenderRepositoryTenderAccount
Tender is promoted as BrandedTenderMedia
Tender is tracked by WorkstationTimeActivityTenderHistory
Tender classifies StoreSafeSettlementTenderDetail
Tender has translations TranslationTender
Tender is used to measure ExternalPurchasedCreditDebitCardSpendData
Tender collection authorized by WorkstationRuleTender
Tender is tracked by TillTender
Tender is tracked by StoreSafeTenderHistory(Superceded)
Tender is tracked by TillTenderHistory(Superceded)
Tender classifies TillSettlementTenderDetail
Tender classifies ExternalTenderDepositorySettlementTenderDetail
Tender is tracked through StoreSafeTender
Tender is restricted through ItemTenderRestrictionRule

Logical Views containing Tender

Logical View
Logical 01100 - Item Selling Rules - Macro View
Logical 01110 - Item Selling Rules - Restrictions View
Logical 02330 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Macro View
Logical 02333 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Coupon View
Logical 02336 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Authorization View
Logical 02339 - Retail Transaction - Tender - Account View
Logical 02400 - Control Transaction Macro View
Logical 02450 - Control Transaction - Drawer Limit
Logical 02500 - Tender Control Transaction - Macro View
Logical 02510 - Tender Control Transaction - Movement View
Logical 02520 - Tender Control Transaction - Settlement View
Logical 03100 - Reporting - Store Operations - Macro View
Logical 03110 - Reporting - Store Operations - Tender Settlement
Logical 03120 - Reporting - Store Operations - Period View
Logical 03130 - Reporting - Store Operations - Session View
Logical 03140 - Reporting - Store Operations - Workstation View
Logical 03150 - Reporting - Store Operations - Operator View
Logical 03160 - Reporting - Store Operations - Till View
Logical 04000 - Financial Ledger - Macro View
Logical 04100 - Financial Ledger - Retail Transaction View
Logical 04200 - Financial Ledger - Tender Ctrl Transaction View
Logical 06210 - Access Control - Rules View
Logical 06600 - Language Support
Logical 07040 - Customer Segment Dependent Behavior
Logical 07042 - Customer Wallet Share
Logical 10104 - Enterprise Currency